King Hendo Tools is a small company focused on catering to small organizations and start ups for their Android application needs. We also program in C# for select Windows applications, as well as HTML/CSS to help stand up your your website. We keep it simple and manageable.

Android Applications

King Hendo Tools is currently colaborating with the Kentucky Historical Studies Foundation to provide scavenger hunt applications for the Android OS to provide a fun and alternative way of learning about the United States Civil War in Kentucky. You'll learn about prominent figures, battles, troop movements and more, while following in the footsteps of those that have shaped history.

Windows Applications

King Hendo Tools programs in C# to provide useful Windows applcations and front-end creations. We custom create simple to use utilities that can replace your tedious tasks using hard to use, switch based console applications, to speed your production. However, we don't limit ourselves to just that, so we are here if you have a .NET project you would like to discuss.


There are tons of instructional HTML sites out there to help you build your own web presence. You can also hire out to have a complete site built and managed for you. King Hendo Tools knows that in todays busy world, some of you just don't have the time to put together your own site, or don't have the resources available just yet to hire a professional. King Hendo Tools can have your web presence ready to go very quickly with a clean, simple web design that will get you started on the web. Whether you're looking for a personal website or something for your small business, we can help.